The Municipality of Alubijid shall exercise the powers expressly granted, those necessarily implied there from as well as powers necessary, appropriate, or incidental for its efficient and effective governance, and those which are essential to the promotion of the general welfare. Further, the local government shall ensure and support, among other things, the preservation and enrichment of culture, promote health and safety, enhance the right of the people to a balanced ecology, encourage and support the development and appropriate and self-reliant scientific and technological capabilities, improve public morals, economic prosperity and social justice, promote full employment among their residents, maintain peace and order and preserve the safety and convenience of their inhabitants.

The specific objectives per sector are as follows:

General Public Services

  1. Increase municipal revenues;
  2. Develop fiscal and administrative capability of barangays and municipal officials and employees;
  3. Strengthen partnership between the LGU, cooperatives and organized groups;
  4. Facilitate crafting of municipal revenue code; and
  5. Automation of financial management system on RPTS, BPLS and TOMS.

Economic Services

  1. Intensify farm productivity;
  2. Mobilize sectoral participation in agricultural production;
  3. Provide agricultural support facilities;
  4. Restore depleted forest cover within the production forest lands at Mt. Salumayagon Range;
  5. Generate community employment and revenues from eco-tourism and minor forest product activities within the Municipal Production Lands;
  6. Provide sufficient land in a strategic location for commercial and industrial development with due regard for future expansion;
  7. Encourage commercial and industrial land development that is compatible with and complementary to neighboring municipalities;
  8. Institute training development program for small and medium enterprises;
  9. Promote and develop tourism potentials of the municipality;
  10. Formulate integrated tourism development plan;
  11. Increase income, employment opportunities and tourism investment.

Social and other services

  1. Provide wide array of skills training on the quest for quality and excellent education;
  2. Provide access to adequate facilities for education and training;
  3. Improve physical and institutional access to primary and curative health care and services;
  4. Provide more effective disease control programs;
  5. Develop localized partnership for health status improvement and delivery of services;
  6. Increase awareness and knowledge regarding health care and increase utilization of health services;
  7. Provide adequate health care facilities;
  8. Serve as a guidepost for the municipal technical education and skills development;
  9. Complement the human resource development program of the municipality;
  10. Serve as a tool for decision making for resource allocation based on priorities for local skills development;
  11. Rationalize the priority strategies and skills training activities;
  12. Guide the complementation and support from training providers;
  13. Serve as a guide for policy formulation in relation to local technical education and skills development;
  14. Serve as negotiation tool for resource assistance for local skills development;
  15. Foster the organization and growth of cooperatives/organized groups into a viable economic enterprise with profitable livelihood activities under strict policy and regulations toward the attainment of economic development and social justice;
  16. Undertake and support activities that would foster and enhance cooperativism among registered cooperatives;
  17. Advocate and promote the cooperative concept of economic activity;
  18. Conduct cooperative seminar with the end view of establishing viable functional and sustainable cooperative endeavors;
  19. Coordinate with and implement the objectives of the Cooperative Development Authority in relation to economic programs and projects initiated by LGU-Camalig;
  20. Monitor, evaluate and assess the programs and performance of existing cooperatives within Camalig, Albay;
  21. Build beautiful, humane and quality but inexpensive houses where the poor family can make it a place to call home;
  22. Ensure that adequate special support for early education and social services programs are provided to poor and disadvantaged communities;
  23. Enhance the physical, social, emotional, psychological and spiritual development of young children;
  24. Initiate and support programs on youth, women, family, disabled and elderly;
  25. Be in the front-line service delivery in the after-math of man-made and natural disaster and calamities;
  26. Provide enough infrastructures in terms of quantity and quality such as needs for transportation, communication, power
  27. generation, water system, flood control and irrigation;
  28. Strengthen the ethical and historical values of the municipality thus broaden the minds of the people regarding the importance of festival in the society and to the people as a whole;
  29. Provide municipal employees necessary information on information technologies with respect to informatics;
  30. Facilitate the easy transfer of information and data from different departments in the municipality;
  31. Online the municipality in the web site;
  32. Keep abreast with national and international information thus promotes the municipality;
  33. Enhance/upgrade the skills and capabilities of women/employees;
  34. Promote harmonious working relationship among gender and development planners and project proponents.