The Local Government Unit of Alubijid, Misamis Oriental through its Local Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Office (LDRRMO) has participated in the Nationwide Simultaneous Earthquake Drill (NSED) for the 1st Quarter Calendar Year 2019 held last February 21, 2019 at the Municipal Hall.
It is a quarterly event mandated by the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (NDRRMC) as a preparatory tool to inform the people on how to respond in the event of an earthquake. The event is participated by all the local officers and employees who are inside the building during the drill as well as students both in the primary and secondary schools in the municipality.
There are six (6) components to an earthquake drill:
- ALARM – During the Alarm stage. Those involved in the drill are alerted by a loud warning device, such as a bell or buzzer. This must be a pre-arranged signal known by everyone, so that all will respond appropriately. (Should last about 30 seconds. Persons should be familiar with the sound)
- RESPONSE – During the response phase, everyone heads for cover. Persons get under a heavy desk, table chair, bed or under a door jam. Make sure you move away from windows, glass or light fixtures. If there is no cover available, crouch and try to protect your head.
- EVACUATION – After remaining in your respective safe-place until the shaking has stopped, persons should then evacuate the building (this should be done during the second set of ringing which signifies that the quake has stopped). The evacuation proceeds through pre-determined safe routes and evacuees gather outside in a safe area away from buildings, fences, walls, electricity poles, bridges and trees.
- ASSEMBLY – At the assembly point, the evacuees are grouped in order of classrooms, departments or floors – whichever is more convenient to facilitate the next step, which is roll call. (Persons are encouraged to assemble in their predetermined safe areas).
- ROLL CALL –During the roll call, teachers, floor wardens, or other designated before-hand determine if everyone is present. In the event of a real earthquake, a search and rescue team would have to be dispatched to look for those missing.
- EVALUATION – After the roll call, there should be an evaluation where the institution identifies snags in the drill. Problem areas, or potential problem areas.